PUI Audio Simulator

A one-of-a-kind product dashboard built and approved by the U.S. Copyright Office.

How do you redefine a physical sales tool when the world comes crashing to a halt? PUI relied heavily on a physical audio kit, essentially a briefcase of audio components. Each component could be switched on and tested for voltage and frequency. It was a tool that let audio engineers know they had the right speaker or exciter for the application or product they were building. A digital version of that tool is needed to defy the industry standards. Enter a first-ever audio simulator tool that could simultaneously work for PUI Audio's marketing department and sales team.

Custom tone generation wrapped inside a product dashboard.

Creating a digital representation of audio components was a challenge requiring a custom tone generator within the browser using HTML 5 audio components. It required a useable interface that could simulate the physical tone generator while inviting users to try new speakers and engage with an audio engineer. After appropriately testing and launching the product with a core group of the target audience, the simulator was released globally with high praise. PUI's marketing team was commended on their effort to raise the bar in this market. They will roll out additional features based on user adaptation and needs.

  • Create a sales funnel system for PUI sales team.
  • Replicate a physical product in a digital form.
  • Open the conversation and engage potential audio engineers to utilize the tool long term.
Custom tone generation wrapped inside a product dashboard.

Creating a digital representation of audio components was a challenge requiring a custom tone generator within the browser using HTML 5 audio components. It required a useable interface that could simulate the physical tone generator while inviting users to try new speakers and engage with an audio engineer. After appropriately testing and launching the product with a core group of the target audience, the simulator was released globally with high praise. PUI's marketing team was commended on their effort to raise the bar in this market. They will roll out additional features based on user adaptation and needs.

screens from user testing with bar graphs, heat maps and results
Project Partners
Creating a digital sales tool with user feedback.

When working with a sales team to craft a digital product, it's easy to attempt to make the tool all things to all people. Focusing on the content from user interviews and first click testing results allowed us to hone in on the functional features and refine the tools that confused.

After creating a user flow, gathering additional feedback was implemented. Upon the wireframe stage, first click testing provided an understanding of where the target audience might disengage with the product and how we would combat that. Touchpoints on audio dials were enlarged to create a more realistic experience with the mouse and tablet application. Consideration for a future mobile experience would alter the radial input for sliding input.

  • User Interviews
  • First Click Testing
  • User Flow
  • Wireframes  
  • Prototype
First click testing, user flows and wireframe prototypes
Mobile Wireframes for PUI Audio Simulator
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Blending the physical into a unique digital experience.

Without overemphasizing the role of a physical experience, I recreated turning a dial into an engaging user experience. Users can select a part, examine specs, and adjust frequency and voltage to mimic sound needs.

Users can employ the product wizard, a logic-based selection system. The wizard helps new customers identify necessary audio components, which opens the conversation and opportunity for new leads.

Animated marketing video to tease the launch of the new dashboard.
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A sales tool that deserves copyright.

Before the launch, a video series introducing the first-in-class audio simulator tool kicked off the hype. Continued marketing iterations drove the design of future landing pages to be A/B tested for additional conversions. The simulator was met with fantastic feedback. PUI Audio is moving forward on version 2.0 with other features helping their sales team and audience move the conversation forward for audio components. The PUI Audio Simulator received a copyright for tone generation and sales tool combination becoming the first-ever digital audio component tool of its kind.

